Activity to come on June 29
This workshop is open to all –
Saturday, June 29th, the “What If I Was Wrong? When We Talk, We Learn!” campaign in collaboration with the organization Say Ça, will offer an awareness workshop on the theme “I fit in here”.
This workshop is dedicated to the youngest, aged from 12 years old, with the aim of familiarizing them and raising their awareness on the societal issues that concern them as well as on the subject of inclusion, all this while letting them express themselves artistically. The purpose of this activity is to open a space for dialogue and artistic expression to foster youth engagement.
We will have the chance to do our workshop in an iconic place, at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
When: Saturday, 29th June, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Where: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts (you can enter by 2200 Crescent Street, Montreal, QC H3G 2B8)
Join us!
Tell us if you’ll come by RSVP at info@info-radical.org